Happy end of Daylight Savings Time everyone! No, that has nothing to do with why my November class email is coming out a week late. 🙄 It’s simply because I’m busier than I’ve ever been. Sheesh, the world of technology just keeps getting further out of control! Never fear though, I’m always here to help, and toward that end, I have both a new class and an old favorite for you this month. Read on…
Class list for November 2016:
- Weds., November 16th, from 5-7 pm: “Mastering ‘the Cloud'”; Ridgway Library
- Weds., November 30th, from 5-7 pm: FREE iPhone/iPad Overview; Ridgway Library
The details:
First off, next Wednesday, November 16th, from 5-7 pm, at Ridgway Library; I will be offering a new class, which I’m calling “Mastering ‘the Cloud'”! As I said above, the tech world just seems to be getting more and more complicated, and out of control as a result! A huge reason for this is everyone’s confusion about “the Cloud”. Every big tech company offers some sort of cloud-based service these days, and managing our connections to them all can be a huge issue. Email was actually the original ‘cloud service’, but now there’s Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Apple’s iCloud, Box.net, and on and on… If you’d like to finally learn what exactly the Cloud is, and more importantly, how to manage all the various services you might have access to, this is the class for you!! Please, let me know if you plan to attend. Cost, as usual, is $20.
Then, it’s the FREE Mac iPad/iPhone Overview, on Wednesday, November 30th from 5-7 pm at the Ridgway Library. This class is held in the small meeting room at the Library, and space is limited, so you have to sign up. The Library staff has asked that I handle the sign ups, so give me a call at 970-417-8434 (or drop me an email) if you’d like to attend. (Be aware that first-timers take priority over anyone who has taken the class before, but there are often openings for repeaters).
I hope to see you all at a class sometime soon. And in the meantime, you can picture me working into the wee hours on a stack of computers that never seems to get any shorter!