Hello again everyone. May is coming in like a lion (as usual), but we can certainly use the moisture. Hope it keeps up, then we’ll all have a reason to come inside for a Mac Doctor class!!
It’s another busy month for me, so only one focused class again, but it’s been requested a lot lately!
Class list for May 2015:
Sat., May 23rd, from 10-noon: iTunes!; Ridgway Library
Wed., May 27th, from 5-7 pm: FREE iPhone/iPad Overview; Ridgway Library
The details:
Lastly, I will be doing my regular last-Wednesday-of-the-month class at the Library. This month, it’s the FREE Mac iPad/iPhone Overview, on Wednesday, May 27th from 5-7 pm. This class is held in the small meeting room at the Library, and space is limited, so you have to sign up. The Library staff has asked that I handle the sign ups, so give me a call at 970-417-8434 (or drop me an email) if you’d like to attend. (Be aware that first-timers take priority over anyone who has taken the class before, but there are often openings for repeaters).
Remember, in Ridgway it’s the May showers that bring the June flowers… Hope to see you in a class sometime soon!