It looks like March is coming in like a Lion, so let’s hope that means it’ll go out like a lamb! We sure do need the snow though, so I’m not complaining… On to the details:
On Saturday, March 10th, from 10 a.m. to noon, I will once again be offering my popular iPhoto class. Come learn everything there is to know about Apple’s powerful digital photo organization/editing program. If you’ve been thinking that you need to finally get your photo library under control, with the added bonus of learning how easy (and fun) the process can be, this is the class for you! I will be covering both the latest version (iPhoto ’11) as well as the previous (’09) version. Cost for this class is $20, and it will be held at the Ridgway Town Hall. No sign-up necessary, and it’s open to drop-ins, so come if you can!
Then, on Saturday, March 17th, from 10 a.m. to noon, I will be offering a new class: Starting a Basic Website or Blog. This will be an intro-level class, covering all the steps to setting up your first “web presence”, be it an iWeb website, WordPress site, or simple blog. I’ll cover everything from getting your domain name to finding a hosting service to getting the site/blog set up and published. Due to the complexities of the initial process, there likely won’t be time for in-depth instruction on creating and editing your site content, but we will cover the basics. Again, cost for this class is $20, and it will be held at the Ridgway Town Hall. Sign-up is not necessary, drops are welcome!
Unfortunately I am going to have to cancel this month’s regular FREE “Overview of Mac OS X” class, which normally takes place on the last Wednesday of the month. In March, the 28th is in the middle of spring break week, and I won’t be here. No other Wednesday worked with my schedule, so I had to canel. If you were hoping to come, you’re just going to have wait until April. Or hire me for some one-on-one time… 😉
Take care everyone, and have a great month!!