I don’t know about you, but I can’t believe it’s December already. Where did the year go? It’s finally looking like we might be getting some snow in the next few days; let’s hope!!

On to the details about this month’s Mac classes:

First off, due to the busy holiday season, I’m only going to offer one Saturday class, but it’s a good one:

  Next Saturday, December 10th, from 10 a.m. to noon, I will again be offering my popular class on the iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch. Just in the last couple of months, the iPhone 4S has arrived on the scene (now available on three carriers: AT&T, Verizon as well as Sprint), a major update to the operating system has come out (“iOS 5”) with tons of great new features, and of course the popularity of the iPad 2 (not to mention the “iTouch”) has shown no sign of slowing.

Whether you’ve had one of these game-changers for years, are just now jumping on the “iOS” wagon with a new iPhone 4S, or it’s simply time for you to find out what the fuss is all about, this class will teach you everything you need to know about these amazing devices… I’ll cover the pros and cons of AT&T vs Verizon, all the new features in iOS 5, as well as the reasons you might want to ask Santa for an iPhone 4S this year… I hope you can join us! Cost is $20.

***The above class is held in the small meeting room at Ridgway Town Hall, and is open to drop-ins, with no sign-up necessary***

Then, don’t forget…

 Though the regular FREE “Overview of Mac OS X” class usually takes place on the last Wednesday of the month, for this month I’m going to switch it to  the third Wednesday of the month, December 21st from 5-7 p.m, again due to the holidays.These overview classes are held in the computer lab at the Ridgway Library. There are only eight seats available, and the Library has asked that I handle the sign ups, so give me a call at 970-417-8434 (or drop me an email) if you’d like to attend. (Be aware that first-timers take priority over anyone who has taken the class before, but there are often openings for repeaters).