Belated Happy Colorado Day everyone! (In case you didn’t know, “the Centennial State” came to be on Aug. 1st, 1876.) I know I’m always going on about the weather, but seriously, this has got to be one of the wettest summers on record. I have never seen this state so green in early August! Now if only it can clear up and be nice for the Ridgway Arts & Crafts Rendezvous this weekend!
Another thing I like to remind everyone is that changeable weather makes a good excuse to come inside for a Mac class, right? Read on for the class details…
(Oh, and I’d love some feedback on my new schedule of offering the focused classes on Tuesday evenings instead of Saturday mornings.)
Class list for August 2015:
Tues., August 18th, from 5:30-7:30 pm at the Ridgway Library: “Stay Safe on your Mac”; a new class, covering all aspects of security on your Mac.
Wed., August 26th, from 5-7 pm: FREE Mac OS X Overview; Ridgway Library.
Please, let me know if you plan to attend either of these classes; if I get enough commitments ahead of time, I don’t have to send out a nagging reminder!
First off, on Tuesday, August 18th, from 5:30-7:30 pm, I’m offering a new class called Stay Safe on Your Mac (and really, any device that connects to the internet). These days, it’s hard to do anything without using the internet, and most everything requires a username/password combo to access it. Then there’s the scary stories of sites having all their user’s account information stolen, and the ensuing worries about identity theft. What’s a person to do?!? Well, this class should help you answer that question. From password creation & management, to tips for being safe from internet hoaxes, scams (and yes, even viruses, trojan horses and the like), this class will serve to give you the peace of mind you’re looking for! Please let me know if you plan to attend. Cost, as usual, is $20.
Then, my regular last-Wednesday-of-the-month class at the Ridgway Library is on Wednesday, August 26th from 5-7 pm. This month, it’s the FREE Mac OS X Overview. This class is held in the Library’s computer lab. Space is limited, so you have to sign up, and the Library has asked that I handle the sign ups, so give me a call at 970-417-8434 (or drop me an email) if you’d like to attend. (Be aware that first-timers take priority over anyone who has taken the class before, but there are often openings for repeaters).
For the Mac Overview, there are six Macs in the computer lab, so only two of the eight attendees need their own laptops. This class is beginner-oriented, but we cover some different things every month; repeat attendees are encouraged (when there’s room)!
Enjoy these dog days of summer everyone, it’s going fast! I hope to see you at a class one day soon!!