Apologies if any of you have been wondering where my April newsletter was, but I’ve been buried lately, and trying to wrap up my taxes on top of everything else. Sound familiar? 😁 Anyway, now I’m ready to talk Mac classes!

On to the details…

Class list for April 2016:

  • Tues., April 19th, from 6-8 pm at Ridgway Library: “Photos for Mac”; an in-depth exploration of Apple’s new replacement for iPhoto.
  • Fri., April 22nd, from 2-4 pm: at Proximity Space, Montrose  “Office hours with the Mac Doctor”.
  • Wed., April 27th, from 5-7 pm: FREE Mac OS X Overview; Ridgway Library.

Please do let me know if you plan to attend any of these classes; if I get enough commitments ahead of time, I don’t have to send out a nagging reminder!

 First off on Tuesday, April 19th, from 6:00-8:00 pm at the Ridgway Library, due to popular demand, I’ll be revisiting Apple’s new Photos program for Yosemite & El Capitan. A lot of folks are getting more than a little discombobulated by the switch to Photos, but it’s actually quite a powerful upgrade from iPhoto. As a “version 1” app, it also has some missing features and odd functionality. If you’re running Yosemite or El Cap on your Mac, you’ll want to take this class to learn all the ins & outs of the new program! Please, do let me know if you plan to attend. Cost, as usual, is $20.

 Next up, on Friday, April 22nd, from 2-4 pm, I’m trying something new at Montrose’s fabulous new Proximity Space facility. I’m calling it “Office hours with the Mac Doctor”, and it will be the inaugural occurrence of what I hope to be a regular event at Proximity Space. I will be available to answer your questions, take a look at your wonky Mac/iPhone/iPad, or simply have a chat about the latest happenings in the tech world. Attention will be given on a first-come, first-served basis, so come on down and introduce yourself, take a look around Proximity Space! Charges, if any, will be determined by the complexity/difficulty of your issue, and if the issue is serious enough, a separate appointment may be necessary.

 Lastly, I will be doing my regular last-Wednesday-of-the-month class at the Ridgway Library on Wednesday, April 27th from 5-7 pm. This month, it’s the FREE Mac OS X Overview. This class is held in the Library’s computer lab. Space is limited, so you have to sign up, and the Library has asked that I handle the sign ups, so give me a call at 970-417-8434 (or drop me an email) if you’d like to attend. (Be aware that first-timers take priority over anyone who has taken the class before, but there are often openings for repeaters).

For the Mac Overview, there are six Macs in the computer lab, so only two of the eight attendees need their own laptops. This class is beginner-oriented, but we cover some different things every month; repeat attendees are encouraged (when there’s room)!

I’m wishing you a glorious April; and hope to see you at a class sometime soon!